Privacy Policy

BankIt privacy policy regulates the data collection, usage, disclosure and processing carried out for any purposes by us or our affiliate websites associated with the same policy. Basically governed by Summit Publishing Co. Inc., these Privacy terms & conditions apply to all its websites & social media accounts.

The terms of this Privacy Policy extend to

How is the information collected?

How is this information utilized?

Take a view of the points mentioned below to know what the aggregated data is used for:

Right to Unsubscribe/Opt-out:

Unfortunately, if you wish to discontinue availing our services or put a pause on further collection and disclosure of data by Savrr, then these steps can be taken for the same:

How do we protect your personal information?

Savrr Philippines takes all the appropriate measures to secure the personal information of its users from any unauthorized access or risks arising from similar situations. You’re the sole entity to know your password and Savrr will ask for your password to get access to your account. It sternly prohibits you to disclose your account details to anyone, if so, Savrr can’t be held responsible for any losses or damages occurred by the non-compliance from your end.

Privacy Policy for Children under 13:

Savrr Philippines is not suitable for the use by children under the age of 13 until their parents or elders are involved. If an account appears to be developed by a child on Savrr, then it will be deleted without further ado. For filing deletion request for a minor, a guardian might’ve to verify their identity and draft a request through Be assured that the personal details of your child will be revealed to the third parties.

Changes in the Privacy Policy:

Savrr contains the right to bring changes or update this policy from time to time to satisfy the legal standards. Any substantial policy change related to the usage of your personal data will be announced beforehand. By agreeing to the updated terms, you’ll be bound by the modified policy.

Contact Savrr Philippines

For any inquiries regarding your personal data held by Savrr, contact us on
6F,7F & 8F Robinsons Cybergate Center Tower 3,
Robinsons Pioneer Complex, Pioneer St.
Mandaluyong City 1550 Philippines